Art for All

An Inclusive Approach to Cultural Heritage 

@ Liceo Artistico F. Mengaroni

Who we are 

Hi! We are the students of the International Course at Liceo Ferruccio Mengaroni Secondary Art School in Pesaro, Italy. The aim of this course is to improve our English skills in an immersive context and through the participation to international experiences. During our lessons we focus on Literature in English, History of Art and Geography. Watch the video we made for this project to learn more about us.

Why we decided to embark on this project 

We first set about this project because it is related to what we study: ART!  Liceo Artistico Mengaroni is a Secondary Art School with six different specializations: Graphic Design, Architecture, Interior Design, Visual Arts, Fashion Design and Multimedia Design. Art and creativity are the elements that characterize all our activities.

Our school is also the Education Centre for Inclusion in the province, so it acts as coordinator for training and support to all local schools and teachers.

This Erasmus+ project focuses exactly on the two above-mentioned fields of expertise and the connection between these two areas is one of our school's main objectives

Art for All: project objectives

"ART for ALL: an inclusive approach to cultural heritage" is an Erasmus + KA229 school partnership focusing on inclusion and cultural heritage. Students reflected on the barriers that different people might experience while accessing a specific cultural or creative product and then created a series of inclusive tools fostering accessibility to significant cultural artifacts from each home country. The project was carried out between September 2020 and June 2023 with partner schools from Belgium, Bulgaria and Portugal. Click here to visit the project's website. Project implementation was divided into Work Packages (WP). You can learn about the activities carried out by students from Liceo Artistico Mengaroni for each WP by navigating the main menu of this website.  

Erasmus+ Art for All: an inclusive approach to cultural heritage

Project id: 2020-1-IT02-KA229-079339_1

Project social media pages


Click here to visit the project website

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