Study Help

How do you study? Do you.......

Study 30 min at a time?

Break up what you need to learn into small parts?

Set a timer?

Take breaks?

Sit at a desk or table?

Study with books or flashcards, not a computer whenever possible?

Because you should!!!!!

Take this survey to see what study habits you can improve.

Some tips:

50% more likely to remember something that you said than what you read.

To remember something, you have to read it 7x

You retain information 60% more if you you review your notes that night.

Best way to learn vocabulary: mnemonics

Why does it work?

Clusters information

We are visual, so it helps us remember

How to Make Flashcards

To make flashcards:

  1. Use pictures
  2. Use words too
  3. Use a mnemonic device. A phrase that helps you remember.
  4. One fact or question per card.
  5. Break down the information so it is simple.

To study flashcards:

  1. Say out loud.
  2. Study BOTH sides of card.