Birthday Book Program

Birthday Book Display

The books selected for the school year are highlighted all year in a special place in the LMC.  Students love to see their pictures and their books.  Friends love to check them out too!

Peterson is offering this program again this year.  In the past few years, Peterson families have donated 500+ books to the LMC in honor of their children's birthday.  Thank you!

Peterson's Birthday Book Club 


Are you looking for a great way to honor your child’s birthday here at school? Peterson LMC has the answer! You can donate a book to Peterson’s LMC to honor your child’s birthday and help build our library collection.

Here is how our program works! 

The LMC staff will invite your child to select a book from the birthday book cart (pre-selected books) around the middle or end of the month of your child’s birthday (or half birthday if a summer birthday). August birthdays will be celebrated in September and May birthdays will be celebrated in April). When your child chooses a book, the LMC staff will take your child’s picture to put in the front cover of the book on a bookplate commemorating your donation and birthday year of your child. A unique birthday sticker will also be placed on the spine to indicate this book was a Birthday Book Club donation. The pictures are duplicated and placed on the LMC bulletin board and kept there all year long. The Birthday Books are placed on a special shelf all year long and students check them out for their reading pleasure. Students love this program! They love seeing pictures of their friends on the inside cover of the book. Other students also like to see what they have picked for their Birthday Book.

If you are interested in signing your child up for this program for the current school year, this is a TWO  STEP PROCESS.

If you have additional questions, please contact Mrs. Schimmoler by email. Thank you for considering celebrating your child's birthday in this unique way!

Mrs. Ann Schimmoler
LMC Director