Standards Based Grading

The reason we are all here is to help students learn - so I firmly believe their grades should reflect what they have learned rather than how many points they have accumulated over the quarter.

In an attempt to make my grading practices more equitable, I am using a standards based grading approach.

Please read the details below and feel free to reach out with any questions/concerns you have.

I will be working with your students to help them understand and get used to this grading practice as well!

Basics of Standards Based Grading:

Entering Standards Based Grades in the Gradebook System

While students will be receiving feedback on their mastery of the content, there will be a numerical score inputted in the gradebook system. 

Line items in the gradebook will be the individual standards as listed in the documents below.

This table shows how the student's level of performance will translate to numerical score, percentage, and overall letter grade in the gradebook: