
IMPORTANT NOTE: The latest, actively supported version of our colorimeter is the Open Colorimeter.

Open Colorimeter Project site:

This site is for the Educational Colorimeter Kit. While we no longer support this version, we will keep this documentation available for anyone that is interested in the project.

If you have any questions, please contact

Installing the open source software

Download the software for your choice of Operating System (Windows, Mac or Linux). For Windows and Mac OS the files are provided as pre-compiled binaries so that they can be launched immediately after download.


Pre-compiled binary for Windows:


Pre-compiled binary for Mac OS X (10.8 and greater):

Python Source Package (Recommended for Linux)

Source package for Python software. Includes serial communications library and a suite of GUI based programs for using the colorimeter. Installation instructions can be found on this page.

Software Overview

The software suite is divided into 3 standalone programs:

  • Basic program - Measures absorbance at multiple wavelengths and plots data as a bar graph

  • Plotting program - Measures absorbance at one wavelegth and plots graph of absorbance versus concentration

  • Concentration program - Measures concentration (ppm or uM)