Welcome to the SIS PArent community

Congratulations! Upon student registration, you just joined one of the most interesting, diverse communities in the city. We represent over 50 countries with countless experiences of living abroad. Whether this is your first assignment outside your home country to returning to Sweden after time away, we welcome you to the SIS Parent Community (SPC).

The SPC is a great way to connect with other parents and support your students at the school. You might choose to join one or several of our clubs, attend fun social or informative events, participate in monthly meetings, or volunteer as a parent representative. 

From the statutes, our mission:

After an extraordinary two school years affected by COVID restrictions, we will continue to abide by all Swedish authorities and SIS recommendations; but will do our best to offer opportunities to engage and strengthen community spirit. We hope that you'll join us on the journey!

Feel free to contact us on spc@intsch.se. We look forward to building a stronger SPC together.