Summit 2

Climate change, forests and environment

Fageda de la Grevolosa

Fageda de la Grevolosa is a woodland in Barcelona province at Sant Andreu de la Vola. A “fageda”, is referred to as a beech forest. It is not primarily formed by beeches, but they are those who catch tourists' attention.

This forest has some fascinating fauna, and there are three animals that I want to talk about. First, a salamander can be found. This amphibian is quite common in Europe and prefers to live in aquatic or highland environment. This is a timid animal, but its skin is extremely poisonous. The ocellated lizard is large and robust. It lives in arid areas with lots of caches. This lizard spends almost the entire day in sunlight, is very active, and hardly hunts the little vertebrates. Lastly, the genette is a long-tailed mammal, which ensures an easy balance when jumping from one branch to another. It is a nimble creature, with amazing reflexes and outstanding climbing techniques.

The best time of the year to visit this beech land is autumn. Leaves on trees change in colour; some of them turn yellow, while some others blush. I recommend you to visit it, it is a very nice scenery that you must look at and appreciate.


Forests presentation