Inqui-Lab Foundation

Where Every Child Creates

“Our education has got to be revolutionised. The brain must be educated through the hand. If I were a poet, I could write poetry on the possibilities of the five fingers... Those who do not train their hands, who go through the ordinary rut of education, lack ‘music’ in their life. All their faculties are not trained...” - M.K. Gandhi
"The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence"
"You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water"
"Don't limit a child to your own learning for he was born in another time"- Rabindranath Tagore

Our Vision

Inqui-Lab aims to nurture the next generation as grassroot problem solvers who can contribute meaningfully to the society.

Our Mission

Design platforms and interventions that transform student learning spaces into places of creativity, design and innovation

Our Reach (2016-2019)






Design Submissions



Meet some of our Young Innovators

Scroll through some of our student innovations and catch glimpses of few of our projects and activities

We offer customized workshops for both middle to high school students and educators. A workshop structure is usually as follows:

a. Design & Innovation

b. Ideation

c. Making Activities

Innovation Program

A long term program to build a culture of innovation and design thinking in school system.

This program is currently deployed in over 20 schools.

Low Cost Maker Spaces (Pilot Mode)

We set up Low Cost Maker Spaces in schools and partner organizations. It provides basic materials to design, make, prototype, and test ideas.

This is being piloted at Mantra 4 Change (Bangalore).