2021 June

Opening 13:30-13:35 

Session 13:35-14:30 

[1] (E) Baldoria, Yukki (Psychology) 

supervised by Nozomi Naoi 

The Effect of Sociodemographic and Social Cues of Infectious Respiratory Disease (COVID 19) on Perception of Others 


[2] (E) Lee, Hannah (Language Education) 

supervised by Akiko Fujii 

Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition through Film: Closed Captions or Standard Subtitles? 映画を通じての偶発的語彙学習法: クローズドキャプションと標準字幕 

[3] (E) Fong, Jason (Business) 

supervised by Stephen R. Nagy 

Decoding the Greater Bay Area (GBA): Perspectives of Hong Kong and China’s Policy  Strategy 


[4] (E) Cheang, Sze Yan (Sociology) 

supervised by Christopher Bondy 

Embracing the Myth of Meritocracy: Students Navigating Structural Inequalities in  Malaysia’s Higher Education System 

[5] (E, J) Sato, Kotone (Lingusitics) 

supervised by Seunghun Lee 

Prosodic Cues to Syntactic Disambiguation in Japanese 


[6] (E,J) Cheung, Rachel (Literature) 

supervised by Beverley Curran 

The Strengths and Power of "Weaknesses" in Dazai Osamu's Literary Work: An Alternative  View 


[7] (E) Mosher, Angelina (MCC) 

supervised by Jung, Joo-Young 

Digital Activism and Participation: the new wave of activism and the people who are riding it 

[8] (E) Iwasaki, Ayako (MCC) 

supervised by Tamura, Tomoko 

Comparative Analysis of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in English and