Japanese 1 to Japanese 3

You can find the following for each course

If you can accomplish the task(s) shown in the "#2 level check sheet", your Japanese proficiency has reached the goal level of that course; that means you are ready to start learning in the one-level higher course than the one you are reading.

* Click here for a quick overview of the Japanese track course (Step by Step, J1 to J7-A and J7-B, Seminar A and B).

Japanese 1


ウェブ掲示用J1 20220819.pdf

Textbook (sample)


Example of Task: Topic 1

J1 Task Topic 1.pdf

Reading & Writing

Level Check

J1 Level check.pdf

※ For those who wish to learn Japanese from the very beginning at ICU

J1 is very intensive, especially for novice learners.  We advise you to check the model schedule to see how fast the course runs, and to prepare for learning Hiragana and Katakana. 

You may want to check online learning materials such as the ones provided by the Japan Foundation as follows:

Another beginners' course at ICU is "Step by Step." [Step by Step will not be offered in AY2024.]  You can read about this course on this page.

Advice from J1 Classmates

Advice from J1 Classmates.pdf

Japanese 2


ウェブ掲示用J2 20220819.pdf

Textbook (sample)


Example of Task: Topic 4

4.Reading_writing 子どもとスマーフォン.pdf

Reading & Writing

Level Check

2. J2 Level Check .pdf

Japanese 3


210625 ウェブ掲示用J3.pdf

Textbook (sample)


Example of Task: Topic 2


Reading & Writing

Level Check
