Word & Google
Many assignments will have a document to complete. If the only document in there is a Microsoft Word file and you don't have Word, what can you do? Or your Gmail account is through your school and you can't access the Google Doc? You will need to have a personal Gmail account. (Make sure you have parental permission to create an account.) Gmail accounts have a suite of products that are comparable to Microsoft.
Converting Microsoft Word to Google Docs
If the only file available is Microsoft Word, you can still access it with Google:
Download the Word file
Drag the file to your Google Drive
Do a right mouse click on the file
Select Open with
Click Google Docs
Now you will be able to type on the document. Make changes to the Google Doc as directed by your teacher. Your changes are saved automatically as you make them.
Converting Google Docs to Microsoft Word or PDF
Now that you have completed the assignment, you need to submit it to your assignment. Unfortunately, you can't submit a link to the assignment. It requires an actual file. You have to convert the Google Doc to either Microsoft Word or PDF:
Go to File
Select Download as
Click Microsoft Word (.docx) or PDF document (.pdf)
Now you will be able to upload your completed assignment.
Gmail Account Through School
If your Gmail account is through school, your school may have blocked you from viewing documents outside your school's domain. Many assignments will have a Google Doc file. When you click on the file, you should be asked to create a copy of the file automatically. If you get the message that you need access to the file, your school account has blocked you from accessing the document. There are two ways to complete the assignment:
Follow the directions above on converting the Microsoft Word file.
If you like working in Google, you will need a personal Gmail account. (Ensure you have parental permission before you create your account.)
If you have a personal Gmail account, then you will be able to get the copy of the assignment. You will still have to convert the file to a Microsoft Word or PDF file when you are done, though, in order to submit the assignment.