Become a Member!

Be part of an active network of string teachers, performers, orchestra directors, and other string enthusiasts. ASTA has been serving the needs of the string community for 75 years and can become a significant part of serving your needs as well. You change lives on a daily basis through music—as a teacher, performer, or string student. When you add your voice, your experience, and your expertise to our community, you participate in a nationwide effort to enrich lives.





"I like being active in a community of like-minded people. We’re so isolated in our jobs, and I have really enjoyed getting to know members at the All-Region events and at the IMEA conference. I have held a couple posts in INASTA, so I feel like people know my name and have reached out to me for various things. I wish everyone would join so no one who teachers in the far-reaches of our state would feel alone"

Kathleen Swazye, Retired Educator

"Because ASTA has played such a huge role in my life, providing amazing resources, connecting me with outstanding teachers and performers who have served as mentors, providing a voice for advocacy, and increasing opportunities to play string instruments, my ASTA membership remains a priority in how my family chooses to invest its dollars."

Dr. Stephen Benham, Duquesne University