
Herman Teirlinck Building

The Combined ICP Forests Expert Panel meeting on Crown Condition, Soil & Soil Solution, Foliar and Litterfall, Deposition and Working Group on QA/QC in Laboratories will take place at:

Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)

Herman Teirlinck building (site Tour & Taxis)

Havenlaan 86C

1000 Brussels

The welcome reception, coffee and lunch breaks will have place on the ground floor.

The meeting sessions will have place on the first floor. The joint sessions will be in meeting room 'Toots Thielemans' (01.43). Parallel sessions in the rooms 'Isala Van Diest (01.05)', 'Transitielab (01.04)' and 'Jeanne Brabants (01.21)'. See the map.

Grondplan 1e verdieping.pdf