
View of the ICP Forests Level II plot in Brasschaat

View of the measuring tower in Brasschaat

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07:50 - Gathering at back entrance of the Heirman Teirlinck building (opposite Peugeot garage)

08:00 (sharp) – Departure of the bus

09:30 – Visit to intensive forest monitoring site Brasschaat

The morning part of our excursion will include a visit to the forest ‘De Inslag’ (150 ha) in the community of Brasschaat in the northern Campine ecoregion of Flanders (see map). The forest is located in an urban area at 10 km east from the port of Antwerp, which emits more than half of the SO2 emissions in Flanders. The site contains a fenced scientific area (2 ha) within a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stand planted in 1929 on former heathland. The soil is a sandy soil (Arenosol) with a C:N ratio of 30 in the organic layer (mor humus). The infiltration of water is locally slowed down by clay lenses at 50–125 cm depth. The herb layer is dominated by Molinia caerulea (L.) Moench and several ferns. The stand structure is further characterized by a diverse moss layer and ingrowth of several tree and shrub species (Betula pendula L., Frangula alnus Mill., Sorbus aucuparia L., …). The scientific area functions as an LTER-site and includes a 0.5 ha ICP Forests Level II plot and a 40-m high scaffolding tower, where INBO is monitoring meteorological variables and the concentration of air pollutants since 1995. The scientific area and surrounding forest also functions as a Belgian ICOS-monitoring site, coordinated by the Research Centre of Excellence PLECO (Plant and Vegetation Ecology) of the University of Antwerp.

12:30 – Lunch (or departure to airport)

We will have lunch at the 'Oude Melkerij' in a nearby park 'Peersbos'.

Those who leave early will be brought by bus to Antwerpen-Berchem railway station. From there it takes about 30 minutes to the airport of Zaventem.

14:00 – Return to Brussels

15:30 – End of Excursion (at 'Brussels North' railway station)