
Participants are requested to make hotel reservation and payment by themselves.

See list of recommended hotels below.

Brussels is very busy in the period 25-29 March 2019 - please do not hesitate to book your accommodation well in advance.

On foot from Brussels North to Conference Venue

There is a free shuttle bus departing from the railway station of Brussels North that can bring you to the Herman Teirlinck building. Buses are marked with “Tour&Taxis” at their sides. When you are before the stairs looking at the main entrance of the railway station, buses depart at your right side (next to Belgacom building).

Entrance of the Herman Teirlinck building (Havenlaan 86C )

Overview Recommended Hotels

18 minute walk from meeting venue

30 minute walk from venue

16 minute walk from meeting venue

20 minute walk from meeting venue

21 minute walk from meeting venue

25 minute walk from meeting venue

38 minute walk from meeting venue

possible to take metro from metro station Botanique till Yser, then 15 minute walk to meeting venue

22 minute walk from meeting venue

24 minute walk from meeting venue

20 minute walk from Brussels City centre