Helping your business grow

What is Care of Business?

Under the name of "Care of Business" Impact Invest and partners offer several entrepreneurship programmes, which helps driven entrepreneurs and business leaders to grow sustainable businesses. We do this through interactive workshops, coaching and mentoring, which is worth 85,000SEK if you would pay for it yourself. Thanks to Impact Invest and its partners, the cost to you is your time and commitment only.

We have so far supported around 70 newly arrived and social entrepreneurs. Some of our programmes have focused on foreign-born female led start-ups, and some on social and climate innovators, who all have received training in leadership, team building, financing and business planning.

Right now we are running two parallel programs under Care of Business:

Care of Business Impact (info in Swedish)

Care of Business Executive Women (info in English and Swedish)

We are also looking for mentors for the programs. If you are interested in becoming a mentor, find out more here.

Our programs are made possible with support and funding from: