Conference Proceedings of iConFIRM - instructions for authors

Dear Authors,

We thank you for submitting your abstract which has been accepted for oral/poster in iConFIRM 2023 (12th-14th Dec. 2023) at IIT Ropar. The conference committee has decided to publish the accepted abstracts in the souvenir and to publish the Full-Length paper in Springer Nature as conference proceedings. 

In this regard, we request you to kindly submit the Full-length paper by 25th Jan. 2024. 

The instructions for the submission are as follows:

Please check out the following steps for the submission of the manuscript associated with the iConFIRM. 

1. Open the link and click on Submit Now

2. First register and log in using your generated credential. (At least one of the authors has to register on the submission website to submit the paper.)

3. Kindley select one option from i) Structural Materials and Mechanical Metallurgy; ii) Functional Materials (Energy, Nanomaterials, etc.); iii) Corrosion and High-Temperature Oxidation; iv) Extractive Metallurgy and Recycling of Materials; v) Material Processing, Texture, Phase transformation, using drop-down options


4. The paper must be submitted in pdf format. Please note that the minimum page limit is 3 and the maximum page limit is 10. The number of figures in the paper is limited to 7.

5. You have to strictly follow the manuscript preparation guidelines and template of the journal, failing may lead to the rejection of the paper. The guidelines for the manuscript submission are at

Please note that the submitted manuscript will be evaluated through a peer review process prior to a decision on publication.