CE 5514: Surface Water Hydrology

Introduction to Hydrology: Hydrologic Cycle. Hydrologic Data, Hydrologic Budget, Hydrologic Network and Measurements, Environmental and Water Resources Problems, Analysis of discrete and continuous hydrologic data Drainage basin characteristics, stream network laws. Components of the Hydrologic Cycle: Precipitation: Mechanisms, types, spatial and temporal variation, design storm; Infiltration and Soil Moisture: Measurement, process description, measurement, modelling – Horton model, Green-Ampt model, SCS model, Richards equation; Evaporation and Evapotranspiration: Process description, measurement and estimation; Streamflow: Hortonian and Saturation overland flow mechanisms, factors affecting base flow; Groundwater and Baseflow: Aquifers, stream aquifer interaction. Hydrologic Analysis: Flood Routing: Reservoir routing, channel routing. Hydrograph analysis: UH theory, IUH and GIUH; Empirical Synthesis of Unit Hydrograph. Estimation of Peak Discharge: Time of Concentration, Rational Method Hydrologic Design: Uncertainty concepts, point Frequency Analysis, regional frequency analysis, risk based design of water resources projects; Basics of stochastic modelling of hydrologic processes. Watershed modelling: Classification of hydrologic models, discrete and continuous simulation models;