AgroClima Research Lab 


"Explore the unseen threads that bind 

climate, water, and agriculture, 

crafting a resilient fabric of life..."


Our team works on two of the most fundamental aspects of nature: weather and water. Human activities and natural cycles interact and create various interconnections and interdependencies that have global socioeconomic implications. Anthropogenic activities, global warming, and associated ocean-atmospheric interactions have caused an unprecedented increase in levels of extreme events such as floods, droughts, marine and land heat waves, etc. Prediction and forecasting of these events are crucial to natural disasters and minimize damage to people and property. Our ongoing research in water resources engineering, meteorological science, and agricultural engineering influences the planning and management of water resources, freshwater accessibility, water and food security, and promoting sustainability.

The AgroClima research team at the Indian Institute of Technology, Palakkad focuses on understanding the complex relationships between climate phenomena and hydrological systems. We use state-of-the-art technologies such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML), hydrologic models, and weather forecasting models (such as the Weather Research Forecasting Model) to analyze and model extreme weather events in high resolution. The team evaluates and monitors hydrological variables and climate parameters in real time by combining spatial data and leveraging satellite imagery. Research includes exploring the impacts of climate change on water resources, creating models to assess and quantify current and future risks, and facilitating cross-sector collaboration. The team's findings aim to inform policymakers and stakeholders, promote sustainable water management, and improve technological approaches in the field of agro-hydroclimatic research.

Research Interests

Recent Recognitions

Ms. Athira received Early Career Scientist's Travel Support from the European Geosciences Union (EGU) for the year 2024.

Mr. Sidhan's research paper titled "Multiscale association between large-scale climate variability modes and drought in India via wavelet analysis" was published in the International Journal of Climatology (

Events and Activities

Florence Nightingale Data Science Talk Series (online) 

This talk given by Dr. Sarmistha Singh on April 27, 2024, focused on various machine learning algorithms applied in hydroclimatology, emphasizing the significance of tailoring a variety of methods to tackle distinct research questions and opportunities in hydro-climatological studies.

Poster Presentation during the EGU General Assembly

Ms. Athira K. attended the EGU general assembly 2024, held in Vienna from April 14–19, and presented the poster "Improving extreme rainfall forecasting for a flood-prone region: A hybrid modeling approach". Geoscientists from all around the world gathered for the EGU General Assembly 2024, which covered all fields related to Earth, planetary, and space sciences.

Poster Presentation during the EGU General Assembly

Mr. Adigarla Yeswanth Naidu has exhibited the poster entitled "Causal insights on the dynamics of soil moisture across agro-climatic regions of India" during the EGU General Assembly 2024 conducted in Vienna from April 14–19, where it offers a venue in which scientists, particularly early-career researchers, can showcase their work and engage in intellectual discourse with specialists across all geoscience domains.

A workshop held at IISc Bangalore from 16th to 18th October 2023.

-attended by 

Moumita Marandi

Indo-French Monsoon School on Hydrology from Space

A Monsoon School in Hydrology for Space  was established to harness the potential of recent and upcoming Earth Observation satellite missions like SWOT, NISAR, and TRISHNA. This initiative provides scientists and New Space members with vision and training for future downstream services. 

A training was conducted by NSM in association with CDAC & SAMA from 3rd to 20th April 2023.

-attended by 

Athira K.

Training School on WRF Modeling System  

The goal of the training was to offer foundational knowledge on WRF, train individuals in system porting and operation, and educate personnel on customizing the WRF model to align with specific requirements. 

A workshop held at IISER Thiruvananthpuram from 7th to 13th January 2024.

-attended by

 Moumita Marandi

South India Plant Systems Modelling Workshop

The workshop introduces plant systems modeling to students, covering levels from photosynthesis to ecosystem models. Practical sessions focus on measuring photosynthetic parameters, and participants can network for collaboration within the modeling community.

Sponsored Projects

Research Openings

If you are passionate and dedicated towards research in water and climate studies, please contact me at


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