Suggested Reading
Edwards, D.A., and M.J. Syphers, 1993. An Introduction to the Physics of High Energy Accelerators. 2nd ed. New York, New York: Wiley.
Edwards, D.A., and M.J. Syphers, website with a lot of extra material: Physics of Accelerators and Particle Beams
Wilson, Edmund, 2001. An Introduction to Particle Accelerators. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
K. Brown, R. Servranckx, Optics Modules for Circular Accelerator Design, SLAC-PUB-3957
CERN-94-01-v1: Basic Course on Accelerator Optics (by multiple authors)
S. Peggs, T. Satogata. Introduction to Accelerator Dynamics, Cambridge University Press; 1st edition (August 7, 2017), ISBN-13: 978-1107132849, ISBN-10: 1107132843.
S. Y. Lee. Accelerator Physics, WSPC; 4th edition (November 15, 2018), ISBN-13: 978-9813274785, ISBN-10: 9813274786.
A. Chao, M. Tigner, F. Zimmermann, K.-H. Mess (Editors), Handbook of Accelerator Physics and Engineering, World Scientific Publishing Company; 2nd Revised edition (May 27, 2013), ISBN-13: 978-9814417174, ISBN-10: 9814417173.
Lecture notes by Linda Spentzouris:
Relativity (relativity.pdf): Review of formulas for relativistic motion
Overview (overview.pdf): introduction, particle sources, large accelerator complexes, manipulating particles, accelerating structures, circular machines,
Magnet elements (magnet_elements.pdf): electromagnets (dipoles, quadrupoles), calculating magnetic fields, magnetic field expansion
Accelerating structures (accelerating_structures.pdf): accelerating structures, resonant modes, Feynman derivation of electric field in resonant cylindrical cavities
Longitudinal dynamics (long_dynamics.pdf): longitudinal beam structure, difference and differential equations, energy error to travel time error, phase space trajectories, synchrotron frequency
Transverse dynamics (xverse_dynamics.pdf): magnetic fields, equations for transverse motion, machine tune and the Twiss parameters, transfer maps
Emittance (emit_lect.pdf): particle distributions, phase space, high energy beams, transverse emittance from Hill's equation, normalized emittance
Errors and corrections (corr_lect.pdf): dipole errors and correction, gradient errors and correction, momentum dependent effects, transverse resonanses