Project 13 

Advanced cone-beam CT for phase-contrast imaging

Advanced cone-beam CT for phase-contrast imaging

The project aims to develop advanced cone-beam CT (CBCT) methods for a novel  X-ray imaging system . Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) is a medical imaging technique that uses X-rays to create 3D images of the inside of an object, such as the human body or an animal. Unlike traditional CT scanners, which use a series of parallel beams to create images, CBCT uses a single, cone-shaped beam that rotates around the object being imaged. This allows for a more limited radiation exposure and less time for the patient to be in the scanner.

The project will involve development of computational methods using MATLAB to implement CBCT  image reconstruction and perform simulation studies to evaluate the performance of the developed methods, as well as experimental studies using a laboratory CBCT system on small animals and tissue specimens.