Strasbourg, 2-5 May 2022

Day 1 - May the 2nd

Happy with the project's t-shirts


before leaving for Strasbourg


The partners met in Strasbourg and immediately started working on forming international debate teams and discussing the 2 motions:

  1. This House would extend Ius Soli citizenship right to all European countries

  2. This House supports the youngsters’ leadership of social movements (i.e. Greta Thurnberg)

Day 2 - May the 3rd

During the morning of the second day the partners went to EU district for a treasure hunt in the EU neighborhood itself, starting at Le Lieu d’Europe.

This activity was very funny and involving, making students and teachers explore the geography and history of the district.

Back at work in the afternoon.

Preparation went on! An impromptu debate (1 hour preparation) has been set up on the motion:

"Greta Thurberg is much more effective than Leonardo Di Caprio in fighting climate change".


And here's the entire impromptu debate.

IMG_7250 2.MOV

At night the entire group went to have a guided visit of the caratheristic zone calle Petite France.

Day 3 - May the 4th

In the morning the entire group had a guided tour at the Cathedral and its surroundings.

In the afternoon the project went at its own core with 4 debates on the motions:

  1. This House would extend Ius Soli citizenship right to all European countries

  2. This House supports the youngsters’ leadership of social movements (i.e. Greta Thurnberg)

Student and teachers at work!

Debate 1!


Debate 2!


Debate 3!


Debate 4!


All the students put their maximum effort in their speeches! The result was a great set of good debates!


After the huge effort for debating in english a relaxing moment: gruop pictures with the project's t-shirt. All together!!

Day 4 - May the 5th

In the morning the whole group visited the EU Parliament in plenary session.

The first part of the morning was occupied by a presentation of the EU caratheristics made by an italian functionaire and by some deputies from Cyprus and Italy.

And we had another good time for taking some pictures!