Day 2

8.30am - Stefania Radaelli, debate trainer togheter with Marco Costigliolo, starts working on topics types and construction.

DR. stefania radaelli

Very experienced debate trainer from ITI Pino Hensemberger School.

Topics analysis is made working on this presentation.

presentazione 2 eng.pdf

9.30am - Trainees start constructing their own topics working in groups.

10.30am - Teachers are very attentive when the discussion on how to costruct arguments starts using the following slides.

presentazione 3 eng.pdf

2.00pm - Teachers working on their arguments and speeches.

2.00pm - Conteporarly the coordinator and the contact persons of the partners discuss and define the dates for the next mobilities:

  • Cyprus - Larnaca: mobility is going to held in American Academy Larnaca from March the 9th to the 13th 2020;
  • Spain - Barcelona: mobility is going to held in Institut XXV Olimpiada from November the 9th to the 13th 2020;
  • France - Strasbourg: mobility is going to held in College International de l'Esplanade from May the 17th to the 21st 2021.

3.30pm - Day 2 ends.