Day 3

8.30am - Teachers finalize their speeches with the help of Stefania and Marco.

Searching infos

Discussing a main argument

Sharing ideas

Finalizing speeches


11.00am - Teachers debate!

2.00pm - After lunch, 6 experienced debaters from IIS Mosè Bianchi give to the whole group a demonstration of debate on the topic: "Digital teaching techniques are good for school".

Constructive speeches are 5 minutes long, replay speeches 3 minutes long.

Here's the 6 debaters:

Giulia mariani

Proposition side

samuel catacutan

Proposition side

zaccaria moreschi

Proposition side

aurora zagni

Opposition side

riccardo fazzini

Opposition side


Opposition side

And here's their great debate!


3.00pm - Teachers start analyzing debaters performance via:

  • their notes;
  • cross-examonation techniques.

Note taking is extremely important for adjudicators and allows them to remember what happend during the debate.

Cross-examination analysis allows adjudicators to determine which argument still stands after opponents refutation.