Day 1

Day 1 of the first trasnational meeting, November the 11th, took place in Aula Consiglio at Mosè Bianchi from 8.30.

8.00am - IIS Mosè Bianchi is ready for hosting the partners coming from Cyprus, Spain, France and Italy.

Dr. Guido Garlati

8.30am - The Principal of the coordinating school IIS Mosè Bianchi welcomes all the partners and gives official start to the project.

dr. marco costigliolo

8.45am - Coordinator's introduction.

9.00am - The partners presenting themselves and their schools. Everyone is really attentive.

9.45am - partners start working after the Principal's greatings and coordinator's introduction.

1. Next mobilities dates are decided;

2. Logo contest among students of the schools is set up;

3. Debate model is chosen (World school debate model, WSDM); the constructive speeches will be 6 minutes long, whilst the final replay speeches will be 3 minutes long.

4. Partners start to go deep into Cyprus (second mobility) agenda.

The participants work on coordinator's presentation.


2.00pm - After lunch, based on Cypurs agenda, the partecipants start discussing how to develop the contents of the project in order to discuss them in Cyprus in March 2020.

The 3 main topics of the project are:

  • How the European Union (EU) works, especially regarding the legislative process;
  • Migration policies of the EU;
  • Climate change policies of the EU.

The partners agree on making the students and teachers involved produce 3 reports on the 3 previous topics. The structure of the reports is as follows.


3.30pm - The debate traning course starts. WSDM (World School Debate Model) is deeply discussed, in comparison with other formats, like Karl Popper format.

The first part of the work is made on this slides.

presentazione 1 eng.pdf

4.30pm - Day 1 closes.