6C Religion



This page describes some of the policies and procedures for 6C Religion.  In 6th grade, there are 2 different teachers for the 2 homerooms: Mrs. Mazzulli teaches 6M Religion and I teach 6C Religion. Our 6th grade students have four Religion classes per week.  

The following information is posted below:


As in every subject area, middle school students are given time to copy homework assignments into their planners and are encouraged to reach out to the teacher if they have questions about assignments and grades.  Homework for 6C Religion is posted in the "Religion" Google Classroom.  To view:

Homework is usually counted as practice, and therefore is not usually graded based on accuracy, but rather on completion.  However, students are encouraged to aim for mastery.  If they earn a low score on a practice game that shows insufficient mastery, they should practice again to earn a higher score.

Homework assignments count for 10 points each.  Late or incomplete homework counts for 5/10, and missing homework counts for 0/10.  If a missing assignment is made up very promptly, it can count for 8/10.

Absentee Make-Up Work

The following reminders are posted in the Religion Google Classroom for 6C students (under the Classwork tab, and the "Absentees" topic):

"Dear absentees, any time after 4:00 pm on the day you missed class, check the Google Classroom for:

If there are notes, you should copy them into your binder and study them.  

"Mark as done" in the Google Classroom after copying the notes.

Additional Tips: 

➡️ Make-up work should be completed before the next Religion class (unless you are too sick to do it, of course!) so that you do not fall further behind due to not understanding the background for new material presented that day.

➡️If you check before 4 pm, notes may not have been posted yet.  Also, notes are not necessarily given at every class, so there may not be any.  Remember to check for other assignments that may have been posted, though.  

➡️What if?...

🤒 If you were too sick to complete a make-up assignment right away, as soon as you are well and back to work, let the teacher know (either through a Google Classroom message or in person) that you were sick but that you're going to work on it soon.  The teacher may not even know that you were sick without this!

🕓 You can also contact the teacher if you think you need an extension, and we can discuss a reasonable timeline for you to catch up, that is, we can agree on a due date that is doable for you.  None of your teachers wants to see you get unnecessarily stressed out over make-up work."