Equipo Erasmus+

Erasmus+ Team

El equipo del IES Mariana de Pineda encargado de la gestión y organización de las actividades del programa Erasmus+,  está formado por todos los componentes del Departamento de Internacionalización. Dicho Departamento ha sido creado durante el curso 22-23 con el objetivo de fomentar las relaciones internacionales del centro, dándole la oportunidad a nuestro alumnado de poder aprender de contextos diferentes y relacionarse con alumnado procedentes de otros países, mejorando al mismo tiempo su competencia en lengua extranjera.  El Departamento está formado por la totalidad del profesorado bilingüe incluyendo a la coordinadora bilingüe. De la gestión y coordinación del Departamento se encargan Manuel Díaz, Carmen López y Virginia Luque. 

The IES Mariana de Pineda team in charge of managing and organizing the activities of the Erasmus+ program is made up of all the members of the Internationalization Department. This Department has been created during the 22-23 academic year with the aim of promoting the center's international relations, giving our students the opportunity to learn from different contexts and interact with students from other countries, while improving their competence in foreign language. The Department is made up of the entire bilingual teaching staff, including the bilingual coordinator. Manuel García, Carmen López and Virginia Luque are in charge of the management and coordination of the Department.

Manuel García Díaz

I am a Biology and Geology professor and currently I am also the principal of this educational  center.

I feel absolutely committed to the initiative to implement a solid Erasmus+ programme in the school.

From my point of view this programme offers possibilities for improvement for teachers, students and the institution in general, which must be taken advantage of for the good of our educational community.

Virginia Luque Oliva

Currently I am the Erasmus+ coordinator at the IES Mariana Pineda and I also work as a bilingual Biology and Geology teacher. Among the functions that I perform are the application, organization and management of the Erasmus+ program and the promotion of international relations of our center.

I love getting to know other cultures, traditions, ways of living, and the natural and historical heritage of other countries. I believe that this enriches people's lives, opens their minds, and educate more tolerant and supportive citizens, being aware of the world's problems and critical with their own environment. Besides this kind of opportunity could give them the possibility to improve their skills to solve the problems of the future's world.

I am very motivated to participate in this program and to turn it into something solid in the long term in our center, giving our students and teachers new training opportunities, exchanging ideas with foreign students and teachers, implementing improvements in our center and promoting the European identity in order to build a school that responds to the needs of the society of the future.

Carmen López Pérez

This is my first year as the bilingual coordinator of our school, and I'm enjoying every bit of it. I consider that my main task is to encourage our students to commit themselves to learning foreign languages by means of getting to know other cultures and ways of life, and to make them discover how enriching and fun it can be. To do so, my enthusiastic colleagues and I meet every week to work on different interdisciplinary activities, and  I deal with them in class from a cultural, social and linguistic point of view. Apart from that, my team and I are planning some ambitious activites abroad. During my teenagehood I was lucky enough to travel abroad and have an exchange with a foreign student, so now I feel it's my turn to give this chance to our students. I'm sure it'll be the time of their lives.