Acogida en nuestro centro

 Welcoming you to our school

Visita del profesorado de Elof Lindälvs Gymnasium

Durante la última semana de Febrero, tres profesores del centro socio sueco Elof Lindälvs Gymnasium realizaron un actividad de jobshadowing en nuestro centro. A lo largo de su estancia en el IES Mariana de Pineda, llevaron a cabo diversas actividades como reuniones con el equipo directivo, para conocer cómo funciona el sistema educativo español, reuniones con la coordinadora Erasmus, para concretar cómo se iban a desarrollar las futuras movilidades con alumnos/as y también asistieron de observadores a clases de diversas materias. Finalmente, tuvieron la oportunidad de participar en las Jornadas Culturales del instituto que celebraba el 25 aniversario de su funcionamiento. A continuación se adjunta una nota escrita por el profesorado visitante sobre su experiencia en nuestro centro. 

"During week 8 we had the opportunity to visit the IES Mariana Pineda school. Thank you to all the students and staff that gave us the opportunity for the exchange. It was a fun and rewarding week  in Seville. We gained many new ideas and knowledge about the Spanish school system. Principal Manuel explained to us a lot about the school system and how the daily work is done at Mariana Pineda. Virgina was our perfect guide through out the week. During the week we had the chance to visit different types of lessons - maths, biology, sports, health, etc. Both students and teachers took their time to show and explain to us goals ands the aim of teaching. It was nice to see your students in action with all from playing volleyball at the sports lesson to dissecting kidneys in the biology lesson. The commitment of the students were great throughout the days. We appreciated that the students did not have access to their cell phones during the school days. We would like to bring that rule back to our school. We think that made the students more concentrated during class but above all more social during the breaks. We have gained an increased understanding of the similarities and differences that exist in the Spanish and Swedish school as well as in the culture. It was also really exciting to take part of the celebration of culture days. What amazingly talented and creative students they have. We are now looking forward to receiving students and teachers from your school with us in Kungsbacka, Gothenburg, Sweden. Hopefully this can be a long-term project with many exciting exchanges between the schools."

Yali Larsson, Pär Torstensson and Anna Petrini