
From the 20th to the 23rd of november, 2023, we have undertaken our first meeting, devoted to the Project Management. It was carried out by a series of videoconferences where teachers from each partner school could get in touch for the first time, meet each others and share their ideas to start the Erasmus+ project which we have been awarded to. 

Monday, 20

Teachers introduced themselves and the Spanish team shown a presentation to remind the initial project proposal. You can find the presentation below.

Additionally, we could discuss the bi-annual schedule and agree the main responsabilities that each partner is going to take.

Project overview

Wednesday, 22

We agreed a tasks delivery for the first big activity, which consists on creating the assessment tools for the students’ works along the whole project. As a result we envion to have an Evaluation Toolkit that will be shared in Erasmus+ Project Results Platform

In the evening we also discussed the budget and how the funding will be delivered among the partners. Then, the Italian team explained how we will make the logo contest where students will make different proposals and all together are going to choose the one that will represent our project. We hope that the official logo will be ready in february.

At the end of the meeting, somo of the Spanish students participating in the project come to the videoconference and briefly introduce themselves and the city of Puerto Real.

Thursday, 23

This day we planned how to carry out our dissemination strategy. The Spanish team shown a draft of this web site and explained how it is going to be organized, its structure and contents. The Romanian team shown the Instagram profile, which you can find in this link, where we are going to share the activities we are enjoying during the project developement. Romanian and Turkish teams shown to the others their previous projects Erasmus+ corners in their schools, and all the participants could have an idea on how to create ours for the new project underway. 

Later, the Turkish team made a short presentation about how they plan to organize the next meeting, which will take place in Istanbul. The partners agreed to have the meeting from 4th to 8th of March. We are looking forward to meeting in person there!

Finally, we had a clousure online event where all participants fill a survey about the meeting development and assessed the accomplisment indicators for it. Attendance certificates were delivered and closing feedbacks were shared.

This is a brief summary of our first online meeting, carried out in november. It was really productive, we all could meet each others and we drew great conclusions on how to undertake our project with enthusiasm and learning feelings.