

How do children acquire language? Why do we forget things? Why do people develop mental health issues? If these sorts of questions interest you and you currently enjoy biology, psychology could appeal. You will study theories of behaviour, how the brain and mind work, and develop skills to design experiments and collect data.

This engaging and effective qualification introduces students to the fundamentals of psychology, developing critical analysis, independent thinking and research skills. This qualification will equip you with numerous desirable skills, applicable to a wide range of career pathways.

Assessments use multiple choice, short answer and extended writing/essays to assess knowledge, understanding, application and evaluation skills.

Knowledge of research methods gained through classroom experience of practical psychology will be assessed using scenario-based questions.

Assessment – AQA GCSE Psychology 8182

Paper 1 – Cognition & Behaviour

Paper 2 – Social Context & Behaviour

Further information from: Miss Hingley