Making the Choice

We suggest that students ask themselves these two key questions:

· “What subjects do you do best at?”

· “Which of them do you enjoy the most?”

As long as answers are not based on personal considerations such as feelings towards subject teachers or school friends, then they should provide a valuable starting point for selection. You may want to talk to a member of staff about your choices and you will have opportunity to do this during the Options talks in lessons and at the Y9 Parents Evening too.

What is Talking Futures?

Good careers guidance doesn’t just happen in school or college – it also needs positive, constructive conversations between parents and young people. Talking Futures is designed to help to support this.

Careers guidance is key to social mobility. It provides young people – whatever their background – with the skills and information they need to make good decisions about their future education and work options.

But it can’t be delivered in isolation. The greatest influence on young people comes from their family and social network. For us to succeed, parents need to be engaged and involved.

Parents are the most influential force in a young person’s career and education decision-making, and the questionnaire that students recently completed echoes this. This video also shows how talking about careers can open up new possibilities.

Talking Futures is a suite of resources to help us to support parents so that you can have constructive careers and education conversations with your children. You can access the parent resources section here.

Talking Futures also recognises that we need to give parents the same opportunity to learn more about different pathways and careers.

Talking Futures is a pilot project funded by the Gatsby Foundation, a foundation set up by David Sainsbury to realise his charitable objectives.

Find out more about how Gatsby are supporting parental engagement in career guidance here .