The AQA syllabus provides candidates with the opportunity to study both practical and theoretical aspects of Physical Education. The knowledge gained should enable students to develop a greater understanding of effective and safe physical performance. Students will have five periods of GCSE PE per fortnight (in addition to their 2 core lessons) which will be a combination of theory and practical sessions. Due to extra practical sessions; at the start of Y10, we give the GCSE students chance to purchase Optional Performance PE kit which distinguishes students from others in KS4. Details of these will be provided at the end of year 9.

Theory content is covered by TWO exams


Paper 1: The human body and movement in physical activity and sport

What is assessed:

• Applied anatomy and physiology

• Movement analysis

• Physical training

• Use of data

Paper 2: Socio-cultural influences and well-being in physical activity and sport

What is assessed:

• Sports psychology

• Socio-cultural influences

• Health, fitness and well-being

• Use of data

How it's assessed:

Paper 1 • Written exam: 1 hour 15 minutes Percentage of Course - 30% of GCSE

Paper 2 • Written exam: 1 hour 15 minute Percentage of Course - 30% of GCSE


BTEC Technical-SPORT

A BTEC Technical Level 1 /2 award in Sport is a vocational course. Students learn by completing assignments that are based on practical settings, observations, written structured work where students respond to a question or series of questions based on a specific scenario, set by Pearson.

The BTEC Technical Award in Sport is the equivalent to, and in line with, a full GCSE grade 1-9.

The course is comprised of three components, of which 2/3 are internally assessed through coursework/assignments and 1/3 externally examined through a paper-based exam, which is externally marked.

Students will have access to five periods of BTEC Technical Award in Sport lessons per fortnight, which will be a combination of mainly theory lessons with occasional practical sessions; this is in addition to their two core PE lessons. Due to extra practical sessions in the course; at the start of Y10, we give the students chance to purchase ‘Optional’ Performance PE kit which distinguishes students from other students in the year.

Details of these will be provided at the end of year 9.

All students will learn content for, and complete 3 compulsory components:

· Component 1: preparing participants to take part in sport and physical activity (internally assessed/moderated externally)

· Component 2: Taking part and improving other participants sporting performance (internally assessed/moderated externally)

· Component 3: Developing fitness to improve other participants performance in sport and physical activity (Synoptic paper-based exam/externally assessed)

Students will be given the opportunity to access revision guides for this course, either online through Pearson or through school once settled into the course.

Students will be taught unit content and given a specific time frame where they will complete set assignments by Pearson to be marked by their teacher. Which in turn will be quality assessed by Pearson Standards Verifiers.

This course will be invaluable for students who want to study BTEC National in the Sixth Form or those who are looking for a future career in sport, leisure, or outdoor activities.

*Please note this course requires you to produce coursework to set deadlines.

*Your time will be split approximately 85% in the classroom and 15% in practical lessons, however subject to consideration.

Further Information from Mr. P. Goodison or Miss. J. Broughton


Final decisions regarding the best route for students will be made by the PE department following further discussion and guidance given to each student.