

What do we study?

There are compulsory field trips to the Cardingmill Valley and Wolverhampton that require attendance to gain the GCSE Geography qualification. In addition, previous foreign residential trips have included Iceland, Morocco and China!!!

Paper 1: Living with the Physical Environment: (35%)

Challenge of Natural Hazards: tectonics/hurricanes & climate change.

The Living World: Rainforests & Cold Environments.

The Physical landscapes of the UK: Coasts and Rivers.

Geographical Skills

Paper 2: Challenge in the Human Environment: (35%)

Urban Issues & Challenges: Birmingham & Rio de Janeiro.

The changing economic world: the development gap & the UKs economic future.

The challenge of resource management: energy security.

Geographical Skills

Paper 3: Geographical Applications: (30%)

Issues Evaluation: pre-release decision-making exercise on an geographical topic using map skills, data analysis and resource evaluation.

Fieldwork: Human fieldwork: changes in Wolverhampton’s Inner Urban Area.

Physical fieldwork: Changes along the course of a River – Cardingmill Valley.

Geographical Skills

Geography complements English, Maths and all Sciences including Triple, other Humanities’ subjects, Business Studies and Design and Technology.

AND…it can count as an A Level Science for many Universities.

We follow the AQA GCSE Geography 2016 course – ref: 8035

Further information, please see your Geography teacher or Mr. C. Pittam