Compulsory Subjects


During Year 10 and 11, all students will have 1 period of high quality PE on average per week. Our programme builds on the experience given at Key Stage 3, with a particular focus on leading and organising their own performance and activity. Students start to develop preferences and demonstrate a readiness to select activities of interest or those at which they are especially competent or interested in at some point during Year 10. Therefore, we feel that students can make an informed decision about which activity pathway they follow for the rest of Key Stage 4.

Students will follow a pathway of activities that will study at least 3 areas from the activities below:

Football Rugby Dodge Ball

Hockey Netball Trampoline

Badminton Table Tennis Volleyball

Fitness Basketball Sports Aerobics

Handball Rounders Athletics

Softball Cricket

Leadership qualification for students

Students may get the option to choose a leadership course which is based on the national qualifications from the Sports Leaders Level 1 (formerly JSLA). Please note that this award is dependent upon the number of pupils wanting to complete them and may not be offered to students for that academic year.

New PE Kit

We realise that by the end of Year 9; many students having grown significantly and require new PE kit before starting KS4 in year 10. We will therefore be offering in June or July 2022 a reminder about the Idsall School PE kit which is still compulsory throughout Y10 and Y11. Please note that any students that also study GCSE PE or BTEC Sport will also have offered to them a course specific performance kit. This can be used instead of core PE kit but that 1 of the 2 options are compulsory to maintain high standards of dress in lessons.

Further information on any of the above information from Mr P. Goodison