Art and design


GCSE Art, Craft and Design – This course involves discovering lots of different media and ways of working within Art and Design – 3D sculpture, Printmaking, Graphics (digital media), Photography, dry media, painting and Textiles.

GCSE Graphics – This course will involve developing work in the art room, combining traditional and digital media to create an exciting portfolio which will be very relevant to the creative industries.

Studying one of these qualifications might be for you if:-

  • You enjoy developing your practical and creative skills in art

  • You would like to explore a range of media, processes and techniques

  • You enjoy talking about and looking at the work of artists from a variety of cultures

  • You want a flexible GCSE that can offer lots of transferable skills and lead to numerous pathways and careers.

Both courses involve the following:-

Coursework Portfolio - 60% of final grade

Candidates produce a portfolio of work from both teacher led and self-directed starting points.

Assessment focuses on these areas:

  • Developing Ideas with reference to the work of others

  • Exploration of media and processes.

  • Record ideas showing an acquisition of techniques and skills.

  • Producing a final outcome

In year 10 part of the timetable is devoted towards developing skills and exploring a variety of media.

Examination project – 40% of final grade

Candidates select one of ten starting points from an early release question paper.

Candidates are given a set period of time in which to plan and prepare.

Candidates then complete a controlled assessment; working on developing their ideas into a final outcome.

The Art Department run regular trips to Galleries, museums and other places of interest both in the UK and abroad to widen and enrich the experiences of students.

There are a wide range of careers that can come from Art and Design – for Example; Illustration (books, comics), Animation, Graphic Design, Web design, Print design, Architecture/construction, Engineering, Interior design, Textile Design, Fashion, Teaching, Lecturing, Museum and Gallery curator, Art historian, Game development, Digital media, Artist!!, Business – card design or other crafts, even Youtube!

Further information from Mrs. J. Pugh