Our vision is to create an area rich in wildlife and a place that people can enjoy.
Welcome to The High Leasowes Trust.
We are a Charitable Incorporated Organisation which has been established to look after High Leasowes.
Photo: John Baines
High Leasowes was purchased in April 2023 following a successful appeal led by Sandra and Peter Whitlock, with the support of Middle Marches Community Land Trust who are now the owners of the fields. The High Leasowes Trust manages the fields with support from the community.
This organic grassland site occupies a special position in the landscape of the Stretton valley as it lies beneath the slopes of Caer Caradoc and Helmeth Wood to the east. It borders Coppice Leasowes to the west, a nature reserve of semi-ancient woodland, predominantly oak, with indicator species such as wood anemone, wood sorrel and primrose. Beyond there are wonderful views of the Long Mynd. All this makes it an important wildlife ‘stepping stone’.
The High Leasowes Trust aims to create a patchwork of rich habitats that provide shelter, nesting and feeding opportunities for a great variety of wildlife, where there is space for people to walk and enjoy the area and for the community to participate in its care.
Photo: Kim Williams
Forthcoming events
Coming soon
We will shortly be starting to lay a small section of hedge. If you would like to take a look, please drop by on 14th February. Please note that we are not looking for helpers for this task.
Visiting High Leasowes
We hope you will come and visit High Leasowes to enjoy the beautiful meadows, the ancient hedgerows, the lovely views and the wildlife that makes High Leasowes its home.
High Leasowes comprises three meadows of about 6.5 hectares (approximately 16.2 acres), divided by ancient hedges. There are further ancient hedgerows around the field boundaries.
Ridge and furrow can be seen in the southernmost field. There is a sunken lane to the east of the site which is now a haven for wildlife, while our western boundary adjoins the Roman Watling Street and the semi-ancient woodland of Coppice Leasowes.
Please note there is no parking in Cwms Lane and very little parking in Leasowes Close. We suggest that you walk or cycle from Church Stretton or park in the nearby Battlefields Estate, a two minute walk away.
There are no toilets or other facilities at High Leasowes.
Please keep to the paths around the field edges. There are two rights of way and a number of permissive paths (these will usually be open).
We need you to clean up after your dog to ensure the hay crop is clean.
BBQs and fires are prohibited in order to protect this special place.