Targeted Killings, Drone-Strikes & Pro-Active Measures in Counter-Terrorism

Targeted Killings, Drone-Strikes & Pro-Active Measures in Counter-Terrorism

In the history of counter-terrorism, the world has seen very many pro-active measures. This workshop will analyze some of the most prominent methods; their usage and effectiveness, the experts participating in this workshop will provide different points of view for examining targeted killings, decapitations and drone-strikes, as well as other counter-terrorism measures.

Chair: Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Russell Howard, Senior Fellow, Joint Special Operations University, United States of America

Dr. Max Abrahms, Assistant Professor of Political Science & Public Policy, Northeastern University, United States of America

Dr. Benjamin Acosta, Senior Researcher, ICT, IDC Herziya, Israel

Brig. Gen. (Res.) Oren Avman, Associate, ICT, IDC Herzliya & Former Division Commander, Central Command, Israel Defense Forces (IDF), Israel

Col. (Res.) Adv. Daniel Reisner, Associate, ICT, IDC Herzliya & Former Head of the International Law department, IDF, Israel

Gen. Ashok K. Mehta, Former General Officer Commanding, Indian Peace Keeping Forces (IPKF) in Sri Lanka, India