Hamas: Plus ça Change, Plus c’est la même chose?

Hamas: Plus ça Change, Plus c’est la même chose?

Is the relationship between Israel and Hamas comfortably stable? Is the dynamic, despite changes and shifts along the way, still the same? Will changing leaderships, updated charters, new technologies, and shifts in the Arab world change the course of history? Or, does the more the threat of Hamas change, the more it stays the same? This session will offer a critical review of the threat Hamas poses to Israel; tactical, strategic and political. With a distance of three years from the last major clash between the two, the panel will analyze the situation; the explosiveness of it, the mitigation and response options, and perhaps- the possibilities of diffusing it.

Col. (Res.) Avi Eliyahu, Associate, ICT, IDC Herzliya & Former Southern Command Chief Intelligence Officer, IDF, Israel

Col. (Ret.) Jonathan Fighel, Senior Researcher & Head of the Terrorism Prosecution Desk, ICT, IDC Herzliya, Israel

Dr. Anat Kurz, Director of Research & Senior Research Fellow, Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), Tel-Aviv University, Israel

Brig. Gen. (Res.) Nitzan Nuriel, Associate, ICT, IDC Herzliya and Former Director, CounterTerrorism Bureau, Israel

Moderator: Mr. Avi Issacharoff, Middle East Analyst, Times of Israel & Walla News, Israel