Terrorism Threats to Israel

Terrorism Threats to Israel*

This session will focus on the various terrorist threats afflicting Israel; aiming to examine the threat of different terrorist organizations, lone actors and more. The goal of the session is to raise and analyze the trends, and the threats inherent within them, and if possible- to offer potential solutions.

*This session will be conducted in Hebrew and simultaneously translated into English.

Mr. Ram Ben-Barak, Associate, ICT, IDC Herzliya; Former Director-General, Ministry of Intelligence and Former Deputy Director of the Mossad, Israel

H.E. Dan Meridor, Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Intelligence & Member of the Professional Advisory Board, ICT, IDC Herzliya, Israel

MK Ofer Shelah, Member of the Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee, Israel

Maj. Gen. (Res.) Matan Vilnai, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), Tel-Aviv University, & Former Deputy Chief of Staff, Israel Defenses Forces (IDF), Israel

Moderator: Dr. Ronen Hoffman, Herzliya Conference Organizer, Institute for Policy & Strategy (IPS) & Research Fellow, ICT, IDC Herzliya, Israel