
What are Keynotes?

Keynote sessions are TED Talk style speeches given by both students and adults. They last approximately 15 - 30 minutes and will be presented to the all attending students and accompanying staff in the Performing Arts Center (PAC). The aim of the Keynotes is to inspire students, encourage them to think bigger, and give them ideas on important issues. Ideally, Keynotes should develop a sense of empathy within the students, and motivate them to act and make a difference.

Students who would like to give a Keynote at the conference will need to submit an application via the Registration Form which can be found under General Information. The application process involves submitting a video of the intended presentation, and a justification (either written or included in the video) of why the student should be a Keynote presenter. Also please see our Agenda to know when the Keynotes will take place.