Learning & Development

ICNA has the responsibility to facilitate the learning and development of not only its own members but the community at large in the light of the Quran.

لَقَدْ مَنَّ اللَّـهُ عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ إِذْ بَعَثَ فِيهِمْ رَسُولًا مِّنْ أَنفُسِهِمْ يَتْلُو عَلَيْهِمْ آيَاتِهِ
وَيُزَكِّيهِمْ وَيُعَلِّمُهُمُ الْكِتَابَ وَالْحِكْمَةَ وَإِن كَانُوا مِن قَبْلُ لَفِي ضَلَالٍ مُّبِينٍ 

“Certainly, did Allah confer [great] favor upon the believers when He sent among them a Messenger from themselves, reciting to them His verses and purifying them and teaching them the Book and wisdom, although they had been before in manifest error.” (Aal e Imran:164)

ICNA Sisters Members and Volunteers hold meetings atleast once a month to discuss upcoming events, activities as well as plan for any dawah or civic engagement programs. ICNA Sisters are given planners to polish their learning and development with an emphasis on self assessment. Training and leadership workshops are offered to the members of ICNA Sisters across Canada. 

To facilitate learning and development, below are some of the programs & classes that are offered to Muslim Sisters in Urdu and English free of charge. 

Weekly quran classes
& Study Circles

We conduct Quran classes for women in every unit.

 Recitation with tajweed, translation & tafseer, 

 and Islamic books 

related to daily life issues are included in our curriculum.

seerah Halaqa nightS

Sisters Halaqa Nights are held for sisters of all ages

 Seerah of Rasool Allah is taught along with

his ahadith in an engaging manner.

welcome ramadan & dawrah e Quran

Welcome Ramadan program before the beginning of Dawrah e Quran

Dawrah e Quran before and during Ramadan.

Our mudarrisat are knowledgeable and go through extensive Teachers Training Courses.

special programs & workshops

Parenting Workshops

Hajj & Life of Prophet  Ibrahim (peace be upon him)

Seerah Programs & Dawah Workshops

Mental Health Workshops

Cancer Awareness Workshops

sisters potluck

Sisters enjoy food, games & a potluck lunch!  

On special occasions such as Eid, the kids also participate in these potlucks.

Dars is included in these once-a-month potlucks so sisters can have fun and learn at the same time.