
In questa sezione del twinspace docenti, insegnanti e tirocinanti si sono presentati e hanno condiviso molto.

Gli alunni hanno creato assieme a Luisa e Adele, utilizzando GENIALLY, una presentazione interattiva della città, decidendo cosa voler far conoscere , i posti preferiti, aggiungendo la voce per  diventare "guide" turistiche per i  partners.

Si sono poi impegnati in una caccia ai luoghi del cuore, scttando foto  e creando un PADLET  di benvenuto .

Infine , dopo aver realizzato la propria piastrella, si sono presentati raccontando  di sè ai nuovi amici, utilizzando l'inglese, la tecnologia, l'arte per comunicare.

Le Università partners si presentano.

ITE in HKU, 

Received its first students from the Guidance and Psychological Counseling Department in 2012-2013, also gave its first graduates from the Guidance and Psychological Counseling Department in 2015-2016. Hasan Kalyoncu Faculty of Education Faculty continues its activities with 4 departments and 8 undergraduate programs in accordance with 21st century standards. 53 faculty members work in our faculty and 5 undergraduate, 4 graduate and 3 doctoral programs are carried out. The number of undergraduate students is 967 and the number of postgraduate students is 124. Our faculty continues to work on internationalization. In this context, joint studies are carried out with universities and different educational institutions in many countries, especially in the USA, Poland, Switzerland, and Spain. Moreover, we are the only institute organization authorized to provide the IB-PYP Teacher Training Certificate in Turkey. IB training programs are carried out in different cities, particularly in Istanbul.


Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (English: Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, colloquially the Catholic University of Milan), known as UCSC or UNICATT or simply Cattolica, is an Italian private university founded in 1921. Cattolica, with its five affiliated campuses, is the largest private university in Europein. Its main campus is located in Milan, Italy, with satellite campuses in Brescia, Piacenza, Cremona and Rome.

The university is organized into 12 faculties and 7 postgraduate schools. Cattolica provides undergraduated courses(Bachelor degree, which corresponds to Italian Laurea Triennale) and graduated courses (Master's degree, which corresponds to Laurea Magistrale, and specializing master) and PhD programs (Dottorati di ricerca). In addition to these, the university runs several double degree programs with other institutions throughout the world. Degrees are offered both in Italian and in English.

Science of Primary Education Faculty is actively involved in eTwinning.

Participation in Teacher Training Pilot since 2014 with the introduction of eTwining in the program of the English Language laboratory IV year and continuously through the methodology of CLIL in the English laboratory V year

since 2019 indicated as TTI (Teacher Training Initiative) and currently as ITE

Participation in the presence of the contact persons, charged to eTwinning, in international seminars in Manchester 2014 then until 2019 in Brussels

Online participation 2020-21-22

Results: The eTwinning project in initial teacher education is a support to promote  the  European dimension through collaborative learning, where students can compare with other schools and university training systems by developing aspects of communication, flexibility. Trainees are sharing and generating positive team experiences working in international teams.

Gli alunni si presentano