About the project

The project was born from the desire to promote inclusive relationships and enhance diversity through reading, dramatization, and reconstruction, using images, artifacts, videos, manuscripts, documents, and stories in collaboration with the "EUROPEANA" platform, the European digital library.

 It has been practiced an experiential approach to cultural heritage through the eyes of students by digital storytelling. The activities of the project were created to tell about artworks, objects, environments, places, and territories in an ancient Turkish city named IZNIK, a UNESCO heritage site, by the use of innovative methodologies.

 Contexts and tools, as well, have been planned in order to raise the "pleasure" of storytelling, both in oral, written, and digital ways. 

Thanks to the storytelling activities, a special way of welcoming the pupils has been created. A welcome that has become a mutual enrichment, an intellectual and emotional growth. That “welcome moment “has been a great occasion useful for pupils to get to know their feelings/ emotions and master them, in an atmosphere of intercultural exchange.

 Practical and technical activities has been proposed in order to stimulate the need and pleasure of storytelling in an educational, playful, creative, and digital context. 


Digital Storytelling promotes active and deep learning, critical thinking, synthesize and analyze abilities, allowing, the effective integration of digital techniques and technology in education curricula. 

The use at school of storytelling empowers listening, analyzing, understanding and creating stories enhancing imagination, identification and emotional awareness, and last, but not least, facilitating socialization processes. 

Digital storytelling is a valuable aid for the development of information literacy (literacy in the search for information ) of media* and digital literacy, too.

(*referring to skills, knowledge, and understanding that allow consumers to use the media effectively and safely)

The skills connected to literacy are necessary especially today when transitional societies require solid reading skills, information and media skills for the citizens of the world. 

The pupils, as citizens, have to be able to understand social phenomena, to orient themselves and to learn in a globalized and interconnected context. Moreover, storytelling in several different communicative forms is suitable for the transmission of traditions and cultural identities; it represents an ideal tool for the enhancement and promotion of historical-artistic and landscape heritages. 



For Trainees

The trainees will plan lessons, developing soft skills, too, and the students and teachers at school will act and realize the lesson in daily school life. 

The initial training path of future preschool and primary school teachers will be enriched by this project. The trainees have to communicate in English and the lesson plan is written in English, too. The result will be an improvement of the English Language. Meanwhile, they will reach the development of digital and soft skills thanks to the training opportunities offered by eTwinning 


Key competences:

 communication in mother tongue / Foreign Languages / Citizenship / Digital / Literacy / Math / Science / Technology / Social and Learning


English / French / Turkish / Italian/Citizenship / Foreign Languages / Geography / History /Maths Computing / ICT / Language and Literature / Religion / Technology / Art / Music 


For trainees

 For the pupils:

 active methodologies such as


ITE unicatt

A training methodology is introduced which specifically focuses on the enhancement of the English language, internationalization, and the use of new technologies (Luzzini M. in ITE National Coordination Event March 8-9, 2021). 

This is a very dear topic to eTwinning, as also underlined during the Empowering Future Teachers with eTwinning Online Conference on 24-26 November 2020 during which Professor Pier Cesare Rivoltella spoke, highlighting the importance of eTwinning also for the development of digital skills.

Along with digital skills, the benefit for students also concerns soft skills, such as the ability to work in a team, present their ideas, design flexibility, and teamwork, which will be useful for entering the world of the school.