How to apply to an offer?

From August 2019 students can express their interest in offers*

*This functionality may not be available in all countries, so if you cannot apply for an offer in the Exchange Platform, you should carefully read the instructions above the available offers or contact the Committee in your country to check the application process.

  • Log into your profile - On the main page you will see the available offers. If you are interested in an offer you have to click on Create Application and then complete the information required according to the offer.
  • Update your profile information according to the offer requirements.
  • Complete the mandatory information and what is required according to the instructions above the available offers
  • Confirm your availability according to the period requested in the offer
  • On the application, the documents uploaded in your profile will show and you can upload any other supporting documents or documents required by your committee.
  • Then submit your application.
  • Your Committee will contact you if your application is approved.
  • Once your application is approved you will be automatically informed by email and you can start working on your nomination which is the next step of the process. Go to Nomination section here
  • If you have questions, contact your Committee and they will support you.
  • In case you have created an application accidentally or you are not interested anymore on a particular offer, you should just press the 'Discard' button which is in red in the image above.