WRU Promo Video - Afon y Felin Primary.mp4

We have been helping the WRU to develop it's Digital Classroom for the brand new curriculum in Wales! We are only one of six schools who have been asked to do this nationally! Wow! We have loved working with the WRU staff and coaches to develop great learning activities that develop our Health and Wellbeing and also help us understand our Welsh language and culture. #HWFN

Wyt ti'n gallu canu yr Anthem Genedlaethol?

Here are Dosbarth Deri outside Gatland's Gate at the Principality Stadium. The proud winners of the motivational speech competition in the 2019 Rugby World Cup. Ardderchog!
It was amazing in the stadium and singing Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau with the crowd was an experience we will never forget!#HWFN
Mae plant Afon Y Felin yn dwlu ar dawnsio creadigol, diolch i Lizzie! Dyma Mrs Jones! She is working with the WRU and Wales National Dance on a joint project. Mae pawb wedi cyffroi i gymryd rhan!

We had a very special visitor when 'Alfie' or Gareth Thomas, as most people know him, came to visit us!

We had been reading his autobiography and he came to talk to us about equality, fairness and being kind.

Diolch yn fawr Alfie am ddod i weld ni!

Filming with the WRU in

Dosbarth Deri

Seren y teledu!

Dyma Mrs Jones ar y rhaglen

Writing tasks for the Digital Classroom

Walking along the tunnel, WAW!

Dyma ni yn canu yr Anthem Genedlaethol.

Cwpan y Chwe Gwlad.

Using Google Drawings to create a design for a wales away kit.

Home Learning and the wru

The Criw have set lots of exciting tasks on Google Classroom using the Digital Classroom. Gwych!

Dwlu chwarae rygbi

We are thrilled to welcome the WRU into our school again!

We love our rugby club with Rhys our wru apprentice. mae Rhys yn siarad cymraeg hefyd!

Diolch Rhys am siarad llawer o Gymraeg yn clwb rygbi.

Wales Women v Italy

March 2022 Cardiff Arms Park

Dyma Ni yn gwylio Cymru!

We were thrilled to travel to Cardiff to see Wales Women Rugby Team compete against Italy in the Six Nations Tournament. Cymru! Cymru!