Dydd Miwsig Cymru

Wyt ti'n barod am Dydd miwsig Cymru?

We have been listening to this playlist of fantastic welsh artists...beth ydy dy hoff gan?

Edrychwch ar Trydar/ Look on Twitter to see what welsh music the staff of

Afon Y Felin enjoy!

Newyddion gwych!

Did you know that Dafydd Iwan has reached number one in the itunes charts? Download Dwi Yma o Hyd heddiw!

Beth wyt ti'n meddwl o'r gan?

Dyma'r holl ysgol yn dathlu Dydd Miwsig Cymru!

Diolch i'r Criw Cymraeg for organising such fun activities for us to celebrate!

Pawb wedi cyffroi!

This year saw lots of Welsh music stars sending us personal messages. Yn gyntaf SERA a hefyd Westie from The Blims

Partneriaeth Menter bro Ogwr

We are really excited to be working with Menter Bro Ogwr, diolch i Kath a Emily for sharing their fantastic resources with us.


Here is SERa. Diolch i Mr hughes

We listened to Sera's music, we gave our opinions and we loved her music. We were thrilled when she sent us a personal message! WAW!


Dyma Westie o'r Blims, a local band from Bridgend

He sent us a personal message about his favourite welsh song, Myfannwy. Diolch Westie!

Sera yn canu

Sera singing a song she wrote during Lockdown.

Hoff Miwisg - FP.mp4

Dyma athrawon Foundation Phase

Beth ydy dy hoff miwsig Cymraeg?

Hoff Miwisg - KS2.mp4

Dyma athrawon KS2

Beth ydy dy hoff miwsig Cymraeg?

Diolch Glenda am canu'r delyn i ni eto!

We loved listening to traditional Welsh music being played by Glenda Clwyd on her beautiful harps. Our favourite was Calon Lan.