Cymraeg Campus

Dyma Ellie a Reva yn derbyn y gwobr Efydd! Here are Ellie and Reva accepting our Bronze Award at the presentation ceremony.

Llongyfarchiadau Afon Y Felin!

Congratulations to everyone for all your hard work! We are excited to begin our journey to Silver!

Y gwobr Arian dyma ni'n dod!

Roedd e'n wych gweld Seren a Sbarc!

It was great welcoming Seren and Sbarc to our special assembly! We sang all our favourite welsh songs with them, including the Seren and Sbarc song! They really are our welsh superheroes!

Dyma ni yn dathlu gyda Seren a Sbarc!

Pawb i ganu Can Seren a Sbarc!

Y Criw cymraeg yn dathlu!

DIOLCH to the whole school for all the hard work you have put into us all achieving our Silver Award. Y Criw Cymraeg.

what an achievement! Gwych!


Ymlaen at y gwobr AUR...

LLLONGYFARCHIADAU ENFAWR i bawb yn Ysgol Gynradd Afon Y Felin for winning the Cymraeg Campus Gold Award!

After successfully achieving the Cymraeg Campus Gold Award HENO came to film us! Arbennig pawb! We are so proud of all the hard work that has gone on but we are proud to say that our school has become a bilingual environment where we all respect our culture and heritage. Da iawn Afon Y Felin!

Year 4 enjoying

Helpwr Heddiw

Y Criw Yn Dathlu Gyda Capten Cymru!