Cornel Cloncian Y Criw

Dyma Criw Cymraeg ni

The Criw Cymraeg are always really busy trying to encourage everyone in our school to speak welsh as often as they can so that welsh has become a natural language in our school environment.

The Criw have their own notice board where they keep everyone up to date with Cwestiwn yr Wythnos and Gem yr Wythnos.

The Criw also run a Siop Ffrwythau at breaktimes and help our lunchtime staff siarad Cymraeg as much as possible.

Pwy sy'n mynd i ennill tocyn iaith wythnos hyn?

Dyma'r Criw Cymraeg yn chwarae gem yn yr iard

Y Criw Cymraeg play Cath, cath, ci with Dosbarth Celyn

Dyma'r Criw yn siarad cymraeg gyda plant Dosbarth Celyn

The Criw encourage everyone to speak welsh outside in the school yard

Mae pawb yn gwneud cylch i ddechrau chwarae

Everyone loves playing welsh yard games at playtime!

We all enjoyed our school Eisteddfod this year! Everyone enjoyed singing, dancing and reciting!

Da iawn pawb!

Dyma Ty Felin yn ennill y gwobr eleni!

Ty Felin were the winning house this year!

Roedd Cameron James yn ennill y gadair! llongyfarchiadau Cameron, roedd y cerdd yn bendigedig!

We have all completed our artwork ready to compete in the Urdd Eisteddfod once again this year!

Celf gwych! Diolch pawb!

Eisteddfod digidol 2021

This year our Eisteddfod is a little different but we are looking forward to competing for the Eisteddfod Medal. Bendigedig!

Dyma Penri! Here is Penri opening our Digital Eisteddfod 2021.

All the children were challenged to earn PWYNTIAU PENRI!

Look at all the fantastic welsh activities that took place! Hwyl a sbri!



Gwylio S4C

Chwarae Top Trumps

Draig Coch Van Goch

Top Trumps

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol


Snowdonia Milkshake

Castell Caerfili

App Geirfa

Owain Glyndwr

App Campau Cosmig

Roedd pawb wedi cyffroi i ddathlu diwrnod seren a sbarc!

The Criw Cymraeg and Y Criw Bach had been busy organising lots of fun activities for the day! We even had a very special visitor!

Darllen llyfrau Cymraeg.

Ble mae'r draig?

A special gig by Bronwen.

KS2 really enjoyed joining in with their favourite songs!

Mes Bach yn dwli ar Seren a Sbarc! They also love Tedi Twt!

Dosbarth Bedw creating posters to encourage everyone to speak Welsh

Roedd capten Cymru wedi dod i afon y felin!

Capten Cymru only speaks welsh, he gave out lots of awards for llawer o siarad cymraeg!

IMG_4456 (1).mov

Mae pawb yn Afon Y Felin yn cefnogi tim pel droed Cymru yn y Euros 2020. We were all supporting the welsh football team during the Euros 2020. #gyda'n gilydd #togetherstronger

Dyma Y Criw at their weekly meeting, here they are organising Diwrnod Seren a Sbarc

Dyma Summer. She is giving out the Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hampers to each class. Lots of fun activities and of course picau wrth Penri!

Dyma Y Wal Graffiti newydd!

Here is our new Graffiti Wall created by the Criw in Hub. We can't wait to use it.

It was really difficult judging all the competitions set on Seren a Sbarc Day. Llawer o hwyl!

The Criw Bach play games in their class bubbles.

Y Criw Cymraeg evaluate our progress for the Gwobr Aur.

Y Criw Cymraeg give

Mr Hughes a new songbook for assemblies.

The Criw encourage everyone to ask for their lunch yn Gymraeg.

Wyt ti eisiau sglodion?

Capten Cymru yma eto!

Capten Cymru returned to school to help Seren a Sbarc make sure that everyone tries to siarad cymraeg yn yr ysgol heddiw! Capten Cymru gave out lots of Tocyn Iaith and the Criw Cymraeg Enjoyed setting really fun activities for all classes. Gwych!

Gareth Thomas CBE

We were thrilled to give a big CROESO to Gareth Thomas to talk to us about his experiences and beliefs about diversity and inclusivity and how proud he is of being Welsh.

Interview with Blwyddyn 4

Year 4 pose some questions about how Gareth is trying to change stigma and promote diversity and inclusivity in Wales and the United Kingdom. He explains how we can promote tolerance and understanding in our own community.