School Uniform

St Francis' uniform is distinctive to our school. Our school uniform colours are blue and grey. Our logo symbolises our faith. The cross represents our Catholic faith and the wolf symbolises our school's namesake St Francis, who is the patron saint of birds, animals and the environment.

Please see our uniform list below.

Winter Uniform

Summer Uniform


Pale blue shirt

Grey trousers

Grey jumper

School tieĀ 

Black shoes


Pale blue shirt

Grey skirt or pinafore dress

Grey trousers

Grey cardigan or jumper

School tie

Black shoes

Dark coloured tights


Pale blue polo shirt

Grey shorts or trousers

Grey jumper

Black shoes


Pale blue and white gingham dress

White or grey cardigan

Black or white shoes

PE Kit

School t-shirt with logo.

Plain navy jogging bottoms, leggings or shorts.

School PE hoodies with logo

Where can I purchase school uniform?

All uniform items with logo can be purchased from Granby's shop in Charles Street. School ties can also be purchased here.

Non-logo bearing items can be purchased in chain stores such as Next, Tesco, Asda etc.

Please ensure all items of clothing and personal items are labelled with your child's name.