Pupil Voice

We are the pupil voice group within the school who meet regularly to discuss what’s important to the children at our school. We make suggestions to the teachers about what we would like improved. 

St Francis is a Catholic school where everyone grows and learns in the love of Christ. Our families and staff will work together to help us to be the best we can be. We will try to make our school an exciting place to learn. We work as a community not just an individual. Our lessons will be fun and enjoyable and as we grow, our challenges will grow with us. We will stay safe and happy and include everyone in all that we do. Fairness is the key to our success. We promise that we will always be kind and take responsibility for our actions and our leadership.


Written by members of Y Llais, Autumn 2023

Y Llais

We are the learners who share the pupils voice in our school. We meet regularly with Mrs Davies and discuss the topics that are important to us.

Y Cyngor Cymraeg

We are the beating heart of the Welsh language. We lead Welsh assembly, help Miss Davies choose the phrase of the week and award 'tocyn iaith' to our peers who are 'siarad Cymraeg'.


As Eco-warriors we are committed to protecting and enhancing our environment. We collaborate with Miss Colligan to ensure we are  eco-aware as we work towards being net-zero. We provide eco- friendly information to our peers and the staff ensuring we are doing everything we can to protect our enviroment.


Being safe online has never been more important! We are passionate about keeping people safe and work alongside Miss Jenkins to provide information and advice to all our pupils to keep them safe online. 

Our Leadership Team

We are involved in all areas of the school helping wherever we can. We work alongside our teachers and school staff to make sure everyone has a positive experience in school. We are ambassadors for our school in lots of different ways and represent our school proudly!